Tuesday, April 7, 2009

10 Tips for Healthy Sleep

  1. Create a consistent bedtime (within an hour)--be firm about the bedtime (the parent needs to set the time). Most kids actually need an earlier bedtime--depending on your child's age, choose an appropriate time (between 7 and 8 PM under age 5 is recommended). For more information about this refer to Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child.
  2. Create a consistent bedtime routine where you do things in the same order (i.e. bath, story, prayer, etc.)
  3. Have a period of winding down (find ways to help your child calm down)
  4. Avoid stimulating activities (including television, computer games, etc.) (Did you know that it takes your brain over an hour to wind down from the stimulation from a computer or television screen--this means that letting kids fall asleep in front of the tv is probably not the best idea).
  5. Avoid large meals right before bed
  6. Have as much exposure to sunlight during the day as possible.
  7. Have the bedroom be a "sleep only zone" if possible. Or at least create a calming environment where sleep will be comfortable.
  8. Have the room be quiet, dark, and slightly cool.
  9. Don't eat foods or drinks high in sugar or caffeine in the afternoon or evening.
  10. Place the child in bed before they are asleep.


  1. I'm so excited for this new blog with so many helpful tips and suggestions. I'm looking forward to seeing what is next!

  2. Thanks for setting this up! I love the Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. One of my Wymount neighbors introduced it to me before Shannie was born and we've used the techniques in it for all of our kids so far. It's awesome!

  3. This is a great idea Amy. And don't think about it as giving people unsolicited advice (like you said on your blog). Nobody knows everything...new ideas are always helpful! Plus, people that study children and their development can explain WHY certain things are better for children which makes a big difference, I think.
